

Welcome to OptionAvenue Script Library! Launching August 1, 2024.

At OptionAvenue, we are dedicated to bringing you the finest stories, whether you prefer to read them as books or bring them to life through screenplays. We are excited to announce the launch of our new Script Library, where you can find a curated selection of scripts ready for purchase and production. Whether you’re a filmmaker, director, or simply a lover of screenwriting, our Script Library offers something for everyone.


Discover Our Script Collection

Our Script Library features a diverse range of genres and styles, meticulously selected to cater to all tastes and preferences. From gripping thrillers and heartfelt dramas to laugh-out-loud comedies and imaginative sci-fi, our collection is designed to inspire and ignite your creativity.


Why Choose OptionAvenue Script Library?

  • Curated Selection: Our team of experts carefully selects each script to ensure quality and originality.
  • Diverse Genres: Explore a wide range of genres to find the perfect script for your next project.
  • Instant Access: Purchase and download scripts instantly, and get started on your production without delay.

How It Works

  1. Browse the Library: Explore our extensive collection of scripts across various genres.
  2. Choose Your Script: Select the script that captures your interest and fits your project needs.
  3. Purchase and Download: Buy the script with our secure payment process and download it instantly.
  4. Start Your Production: Bring the story to life with your unique vision and creativity.

Join Our Community

Sign up for our newsletter to receive updates on new scripts, exclusive offers, and industry insights. Join the OptionAvenue community and connect with fellow storytellers, filmmakers, and scriptwriters.


Contact Us

Have questions or need assistance? Reach out to our support team at hello@optionavenue.com.