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Reader Vetted Titles

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Havana Deception

Book cover for Havana Deception, available to option through OptionAvenue

By: WB Hellman

"I couldn't put it down. Masterful plot. It's refreshing to read a book that has accurate details. As an international airline pilot, I can confirm this book is authentic and meticulous."
- Reader Review

Remember Me When September Comes

By: Jakob Gentry

"Very descriptive of a world we've never seen or known. Intriguing, gripping story. Hard to put down."
- Reader Review

The Ripple Effect

book option The Ripple Effect- Book 1

By: Eric Aune

"The adventure starts quickly and never slows down. It’s one thing after another and the adventure keeps adventuring. I couldn’t put it down, great read."
- Reader Review

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