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Interface: Book One: Connection

About Interface: Book One: Connection

In a post-collapse world, orphaned Emerson Lloyde’s quest to fulfill his dream of flying leads him through a labyrinth of political intrigue and unforeseen hope, challenging the very essence of freedom and technology.

**Book Blurb:**

After a global collapse, the world teeters on the edge of disappearance. A familiar power, corrupt and unabashed, seeks to lay claim to the lives of those who remain. Beyond its borders are those who believe in a different way and fight for an elusive freedom.

Orphaned child, Emerson Lloyde, dreams of flying. He is cared for by his grandfather, Chandler Estes, in the wilderness of the North American continent. After his grandfather’s death, Emerson goes to the city and learns to fly, but though the dream is fulfilled, the freedom that it represents eludes him.

Through tragedy and adventure, Emerson outmaneuvers traps and political intrigue. With his three partners, he becomes the bearer of an unforeseen hope, a hope that even he struggles to understand. Across the Inland Sea, in the mythological west, a new world awaits.

Interface questions our reliance on technology with the irony of a people who can no longer manufacture the tools and products they have become dependent on. The story illustrates our society from the vantage of a not-too-distant future. It is a story about image, power, and truth. But most of all, it is a story about us seen from a great distance.

**NOTE:** R.K. Hillhouse is a pen name for Ron Heacock and Karen Walasek.

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