Book cover for The Last Magus: A Clockwork Heart, available to option through OptionAvenue

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The Last Magus: A Clockwork Heart

Book Ranking
Reviews: 27
Amazon: 4.3 Stars
Goodreads: 4.3 Stars

Option Terms
Option Fee: $5000
Exercise Fee: $10000
Net Profit (NPP): 5%
Term: 12 Months

About The Last Magus: A Clockwork Heart
A man with no memory and a magical clockwork heart becomes the apprentice to an aging Magus, tasked with protecting a powerful armory from falling into the wrong hands.

**Book Blurb:**
Marcus Gideon awoke at the crossroads outside the border town of Armändis, lost and with no memory of his past life. Stabbed through the heart and left for dead, his life was saved by a blacksmith’s kindness who replaced his damaged heart with a mechanical, magical miracle—a clockwork heart. The gears clicked, the motor spun, and his heart started beating again, powered by his own magical energy.

Gideon was alive, but his savior was no ordinary blacksmith. Henry Botàn was a Magus, hiding out in Armändis to protect the weapons within his magical armory. The swords, spears, and other-worldly artifacts were potent, some cursed and even forbidden to wield. His responsibility was to protect these weapons from falling into the wrong hands, but he was old and past his prime. He needed an apprentice, and Marcus Gideon may be the one he waited for. As Gideon searches for clues to his past, he looks toward his future and his fate in Attlain as THE LAST MAGUS.

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