Covert Operations: Alpha
In a dystopian future where humans, aliens, and evolved beings vie for power, a covert operative must navigate a treacherous
In a dystopian future where humans, aliens, and evolved beings vie for power, a covert operative must navigate a treacherous
A man finds himself serving on the jury for a murder trial, only to realize the crime being judged is
A chimpanzee named Ned, part of an experimental integration program, navigates the tumultuous life of a high school freshman, facing
A young girl named Mishka, daughter of a powerful Russian mafia boss, escapes to America to pursue her modeling dreams,
A new sheriff in a small town uncovers a web of hidden evils and murders, leading him to seek justice
In a post-apocalyptic world where Frankenstein’s monsters reign, “The Brittle Riders” follows the aftermath of a catastrophic party that wiped
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