Book cover for HIGH PRICE FOR FREEDOM, available to option through OptionAvenue
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A couple’s harrowing journey from the oppression of Communism to the hopeful shores of America, where they rebuild their lives with unwavering dedication and resilience.

**Book Blurb:**

Sometimes the most captivating stories are not based on real-life; they are real-life. Dezso and Maria Imre’s memoir is one of those times. This real-life story not only shares some of the details of this couple’s family, which touched my heart, it also teaches many lessons.

It’s more than a story about how terrible life can be under Communism. However, it shows some of the problems with oppressive governmental systems. It’s more than a story about a family trying to get to America. Still, you feel their desperation as they struggle, leaving behind what they labored to achieve, all for the hope of freedom. Once arriving in America, they start over, cheerfully going about the extraordinary task of becoming productive members of a society where they don’t even speak the language. At first, taking whatever jobs for whatever pay they could get. Then, not settling for mere survival wages, they made a superb effort to do better and then even better. Readers will quickly relate to Maria’s and Dezso’s dedication to family and excellent in everything they did. I couldn’t help but wish I had known these people, and then by the time the book was done, I did. I felt their pain. I laughed. My heart ached for them at their most difficult times. The final parts of the book are the saddest and most inspiring.

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