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Ghost of a Promise

About Ghost of a Promise
A woman must solve a centuries-old mystery at her ancestral Maine mansion or lose it all, while a paranormal investigator discovers their intense connection might be manipulated by spirits replaying a tragic past.

**Book Blurb:**
**A CATHERINE AWARD-WINNING BOOK & First in a Trilogy!**
Ava Trumble feels at home in her family’s haunted Maine estate until inheriting it comes with a dire challenge: solve a 200-year-old disappearance within a year or lose everything to the Historical Society. Teaming up with Jackson Granger, a seasoned paranormal investigator from the TV show Phantoms, their search through the eerie mansion quickly turns personal. As ghostly manipulations mirror a historic tragedy through their burgeoning connection, Ava and Jackson face the ultimate question: is their love real, or are they under the spell of a love that never died?

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