Book cover for Demon's Daughter, available to option through OptionAvenue

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Demon’s Daughter

Book Ranking
Reviews: 3
Amazon: 5 Stars
Goodreads: 5 Stars

Option Terms
Option Fee: $1000
Exercise Fee: $10000
Net Profit (NPP): 5%
Term: 12 Months

About Demon’s Daughter

A half-Demon, half-human U.S. Army assassin must rescue her kidnapped teammates from a supernatural adversary, using her unique blend of military training and supernatural abilities.

**Book Blurb:**

Sauda Johnson is a half-Demon, half-human, U.S. Army assassin specialized in interrogations and political assassinations. Her battle buddies: a succubus, a caster, an alpha shifter, and now, humans. After a clash with her new teammates, she’s assigned a surveillance mission in Yemen that proves to be more than they bargained for.

For the first time, Sauda is up against a supernatural adversary, Adrian Bathory, the last male descendant of Elizabeth Bathory and Vlad Dracula. When Bathory kidnaps virgin members of her team, she has to use everything in her arsenal to get them back: military training with military-grade weapons, and supernatural abilities.

With only a plan that leaves them at a disadvantage, her team has to break into Yemen’s historical Al-Qahira Castle, which leads to the rescue of one member, the death of another, and the discovery of a rebellion. Few of Bathory’s own Castors and Demon-Castors join Sauda’s team and alternative plan to murder the supernatural power behind the Yemeni Civil War.

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Option Terms
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Term: 12 Months

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