
Producer FAQ

Discovering Content

What genres does OptionAvenue offer?

We feature a diverse range of books including:

  • Fiction: Fantasy, sci-fi, mystery, romance, and more
  • Non-fiction: Biographies, self-help, history, and others
  • Children’s literature

How can I search for specific books?

Our advanced search allows you to filter by:

  • Genre
  • Popularity
  • Keyword
  • Option price range

Book Listings and Availability

How can I tell if a book is available for optioning?

Each listing clearly indicates TV/Film rights availability. For specifics, contact the author directly through our platform.

What details are included in book listings?

  • Synopsis
  • Genre tags
  • Author bio
  • Sample chapters/excerpts (when available)
  • Author’s minimum option price (if set)

Connecting with Authors

How do I reach out to an author?

Use our secure messaging system to contact authors directly about optioning their work.

What’s the process after expressing interest?

  1. Initial contact via our platform
  2. Direct negotiations with the author
  3. OptionAvenue provides resources to help, but doesn’t participate in negotiations

Using OptionAvenue

Why choose OptionAvenue for book optioning?

  • Centralized platform for diverse, lesser-known stories
  • Time and resource-efficient
  • Direct author connections
  • Streamlined negotiation process

Do you help with option pricing?

While we don’t set prices, we offer resources on industry standards to guide your decisions based on genre and other factors.

Legal and Support

What about legal considerations?

We strongly recommend consulting an entertainment lawyer to ensure your option agreement is compliant and protects your interests.

Need more help?

Contact our support team at [email protected] for prompt assistance with any questions about our platform.