
Book Trailers

Why Choose a Book Trailer?

  • Attract Producers and Showrunners: A book trailer is the quickest way for producers to see your story, experience its tone and visuals, and imagine it as the next big adaptation.
  • Instant Visual Hook: Producers may not have time to read entire manuscripts. A book trailer allows them to experience your story in less than a minute, giving them a compelling reason to pursue your project.
  • Enhanced Exposure: Your trailer won’t just live on OptionAvenue. It’ll be added to platforms like YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook, and Instagram, maximizing visibility. We’ll also feature it right on your book’s listing page, where it will be seen by producers and readers alike.
  • Sharable Across Platforms: Trailers are the perfect marketing tool for social media. Share them on your author website, in newsletters, or across your social media profiles to boost visibility and engagement.


What You Get

  • Professionally Produced Trailer: A cinematic 20-60 second video showcasing your book’s key elements, with high-quality visuals, music, and optional voiceover.
  • Tailored for Your Genre: Every trailer is designed with your book’s genre and tone in mind, creating a visual representation that will resonate with the right audience—and the right producers.
  • Optimized for Social Media and Streaming: You’ll receive your trailer in formats ready to upload to YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, Vimeo, and more, giving your story maximum exposure.
  • Featured on OptionAvenue: Your trailer will be embedded directly into your book listing on OptionAvenue, making it easy for producers and readers to engage with your story.


The Process

  1. Initial Consultation: We discuss your book, its key themes, and your vision for the trailer.
  2. Script & Storyboard: Our team crafts a script that highlights your book’s most engaging moments, creating a narrative producers won’t be able to ignore.
  3. Production: We handle the details, from sourcing visuals to selecting music, bringing your book to life in a professional, captivating way.
  4. Review & Revisions: You’ll have the chance to review your trailer and request changes, ensuring the final product aligns perfectly with your vision.



Cost: $795 per book trailer.

Discount: Premium authors receive a 50% discount. Plus, use the coupon code “FIRST5READY” to get 50% off your book trailer! This limited-time offer is available to the first 5 authors who take action. Don’t miss the opportunity to bring your story to life and grab the attention of producers. Offer expires on September 30, 2024.